Jennifer Otitigbe has worked in all aspects of new product development from concept development to product launch and growth. She currently leads a User Experience team at Google, where she specializes in user research for complex software systems. In a prior role, Jennifer was a staff member at the Institute for Human Centered Design where she worked initially as a Project Manager and then progressed to serve as the Director of User Experience and Research. In this capacity, Jennifer conducted and led multi-disciplinary consulting projects in accessibility, universal design and human-centered design. Her work centered around generating actionable design insights for public sector, cultural, educational and consumer focused organizations. While at IHCD, she also helped with the launch of the User/Expert Lab, the statewide conference on design and technology for people with disabilities and the Universal Design Case Study project.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, B.S.
Stanford University, M.S.
Professional Development: Massachusetts College of Art & Design