"Bespoke Bodies" Exhibition Highlights World War I's Legacy in the Story of Prosthetics Submitted by jessmendes on Tue, 09/12/2023 - 19:48 Discover the incredible journey of prosthetic innovation at "Bespoke Bodies: The Design & Craft of Prosthetics" exhibition, hosted at the National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City. Tags Prosthetic Design Inclusive Design Bespoke Bodies Exhibition National WWI Museum Prosthetic Innovation Adaptive Prostheses Prosthetic Stories Prosthetic Craftsmanship Prosthetic Evolution Prosthetic History Kansas City Exhibition WWI Museum Exhibition Prosthetic Artifacts Collaborative Design Prosthetic Functionality Prosthetic Aesthetics Design Collaboration Veterans' Prosthetics Athlete Prostheses Prosthetic Impact Read more about "Bespoke Bodies" Exhibition Highlights World War I's Legacy in the Story of ProstheticsLog in or register to post comments