Watch Our Boston Design Week Presentations on YouTube

Submitted by jessmendes on Fri, 05/31/2024 - 15:14

We are thrilled to share that our Boston Design Week programming is now available on YouTube. Dive into a series of insightful presentations and discussions that highlight the forefront of Inclusive Design and innovation. 

Telling Stories of Yesterday and Today While Designing for the Future: Inclusive Design in Museums

Presented by Ana Julian, IHCD Senior Project Manager, and Jan Majewski, IHCD Director of Inclusive Cultural Projects, this session advocates for a holistic approach to Inclusive Design in museums. Learn how Inclusive Design enhances museum buildings, exhibitions, programs, and communication, ensuring quality experiences today and in the future.

Beyond Illumination: Connected LED Lighting for Diverse Community Needs

Join Wilhelmina (Wila) Crolius, Senior Customer Experience Designer at Signify, as she explores the impact of smart city technology through connected LED lighting. Discover how this technology can create new revenue streams, increase public safety, reduce carbon emissions, and improve infrastructure resilience in diverse communities.

Architectures of Transition: Emerging Practices in South Asia

Devashree Shah, IHCD Coordinator of Inclusive Public Transit and Architect, and Pranav Thole, Architect and Urban Designer, present findings from their book, "Architectures of Transition: Emergent Practices in South Asia." Explore innovative architectural practices across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, focusing on public architecture, affordable housing, and urban infrastructure.

The Rise and Fall of the Toilet Room

Meghan Dufresne, LEED AP and IHCD Architectural Project Manager and Designer, delves into the history and design of toilet rooms. Explore issues of equity, social inclusion, and the evolving design trends that aim to provide dignified and inclusive spaces within public realms.

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This playlist is part of the IHCD Learning, our expanded education commitment. We plan to roll out a mix of webcasts, podcasts, interviews, and case studies this year. We believe that sharing stories and real experience delivers the most impact.